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  => Kyaara Niari Otoshi Hamada
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1992-2009 copyright Rastylssji Smith
Kyaara Niari Otoshi Hamada

Name: Kyaara Niari Otoshi Hamada

Name Pronounce: (Kya-da)

Gender: male

Aliases: none

Birth village: Ai

Moved to:

Demon: Hell child, amoung others...


Age: P1: 16, P2: 17, P3: 18, P4: 19, P5: 20

Quotes: none

Relationships: Kimi Natai, other women previously

Crushes: Kimi Natai

Team(s): None

Affiliation: Nuetral, Zodiac

Status: married

H~color: dark hazle

E~color: Vary from shades of green, orange, blue, hazle, and gray depending on mood elevation

Skin color: tanned sienna peach


Past: Kyaara was born of Kat Otoshi and Kiba Hamada during Sae and Julians war. Shortly after Kyaaras conception, Kat battled her father and was seriously injured. Sae almost killed himself healing the extensive damage but she managed to make a breakthrough. As at the time Kat had joined the enemy, She could not deal with little Kyaara and constantly put him in harms way. So after her pregnancy under Sae's protection, she asked her brother Atarashii to care for him until she killed Sae. Atarashii agreed and recruited Kyaara into the Zodiac. Unfortuneately Atarashii never did give Kyaara back, he simply dissapeared and left Kat believing he was dead. Kyaara stayed with the Zodiac throughout his childhood and met Who he would later realize is his sister, Nisiari, during the war. At five, Kyaara went balistik and destroyed the entire third Province for no reason at all. The psychic trauma caused Kyaara to forget all his emotions as well as his memories with his mother. After this Atarashii realizes Kyaaras three cursemarks are too much for his body to handle and Inajas daiughter, whom Kyaara is always attacking, Leaves the Zodiac and runs away to Noel.With the Zodiac in disarray, Atarashii trains Kyaara and gives him enemies to kill to satisfy his bloodlust.


Demonic appearance:






Healing ability:

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  Finals are finally over so i can rest. I've been falling asleep in the most inconvenient places because of my exhaustion. I hate tests but its done now so...yeah. I'm really going to update and add my poems. Stay readers ^_^  
Chapter to be updated...  
  Chapter one of Book one/ 1/24/09  
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  The poetry section will be added today (1/24/09) and you'll be able to enjoy ^_^ LOL
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