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1992-2009 copyright Rastylssji Smith |
Lord Sabastion Morris Masin |
š Name: Sabastion Morris Masin
š Name Pronounce: (Sah-Bash- Chin)
š Gender: male
š Aliases: Bash, Bastion
š Birth village: Nakiyumi
š Moved to: Natsanue
š Demon: Hell Child/ unbroken
š B~day: 2/1
š Age: P1:78, P2:79, P3: 74, P4: 75, P5: deceased
š Quotes: none
š Relationships: Shayna(former), Tsuni (current)
š Crushes: Shayna, Tsuni(current)
š Team(s): K.I.A
š Affiliation: Ruler of the F.D
š Status: Leader of First and Second Provinces, Married to Tsuni
š H~color: Black, long, worn down
š E~color: bright, iredescent red
š Family: Taleny Masin (Father/ Deceased), Niera Kiaku Morris Masin( Mother/Deseaced), Niasuka "Kat" Niari Otoshi Fe-Ling(great, great, great grandaughter-in law), Julianori Rae Sinome Fe-Ling(great, great, great grandson), Sinorisuke Niari Otoshi Fe-Ling(great, great, great,great grandson), Kyaara Niari Otoshi Hamada(great, great, great, great grandson)
šPast: Sabastion was born to two underaged parents and almost immediantly surpassed all other assasins in the F.D and became greatly feared. When Sabastion became bored of his supremecy he moved away at age fifteen to find his grandfather, infamous for concocting rare techniques with elements. Although his hope was to learn lightening based attacks his grandfather attempted to use him to get back at his son, Sabastions father. Seeing through such a horribly executed plan, Sabastion made quick work of his gradfather and as his father ordered returned home to aid his sisterAtanih in her fight against their cousin Rore's newly built orginization called Sado. Eventually Sabastion abandons his helpful disposition and returns to wrong by joining Rore for power. Power does not come to him however since Sado is destroyed, leaving Sabastion with only one option. Return back home and except fate. He does so but is not executed thanks to his fathers protesting, instead he is granted control over the entire First Province and later on the Second. Sabastion fisrt finds love with his former colleage Shayna but leaves her to be with his enemies little sister Tsuni. He and Tsuni are married and raise he and Shaynas daughter Satsuni.
š Personality: Sabastion is a distant charmer and very blunt. He has no problem reminding any of his young assasins that they've failed a mission or screwed up in some way. As a hobby Sabastion enjoys taunting or stalling out the assasins, like taking forever to tell them their mission after calling them in a hurry to his office. Cynical as he may be Sabastion is loyal to the villages as well as his allies
š Demonic appearance:
š Elements:
š Attacks:
š Speed:
š Strength:
š Intelligence:
š Healing ability: |
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Holidays! |
Finals are finally over so i can rest. I've been falling asleep in the most inconvenient places because of my exhaustion. I hate tests but its done now so...yeah. I'm really going to update and add my poems. Stay readers ^_^ |
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Chapter one of Book one/ 1/24/09 |
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The poetry section will be added today (1/24/09) and you'll be able to enjoy ^_^ LOL
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