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1992-2009 copyright Rastylssji Smith
Prominate Family Names

Fe-Ling is ironic for "Feeling". The Fe-Ling compound, an
oversized mansion, is in the center of the village of Nalini and is where most members reside but a small majority are scattered around the other villages and Provinces. They rule basically the entire village as well as the outcome of its memebers lives. All Fe-Lings are named after either words or feelings, Ex. Notorius, Preshious, Lucidity, Kyndniss. Any Fe-Ling that is named a normal name is still accepted and usually their middle names are Fe-Ling originated. The Fe-Lings are ruled by one totalitarian member who is chosen at each manditory family Reunion. Because all male members are secretly competeing to be the next ruler, the family can appear decietful and most do have alterior motives. Banishment, torture until death, and public humiliantion are popular forms of punishment for the Fe-Ling. Incest and disrespect will result in punishments like these. Women are subservient and men rule the home and keep the family name intact. Fe-Ling children are taught their place young and given the motive to strive to be the next leader. They are the top feared family.

This small family lives in the snowy village of Nakiyumi secluded from the other families. The Masin family started with Taki and Nally Masin and their son Taleny. After finding the rest of his scattered family Taleny managed to get his family to resume rule over their territory. Since then, even after Taleny's death, the family has been thriving and happy. Unlike the other families, the Masins are not feared but respected because of the dispositiona dn tolerence of other villages and families. They do not strive for personal goals but for the strength of their entire village and family. They specialize in the control of ice and their impressive endurance. They're also impervious to cold weather. They are the closest family but are perceived as weak...Wrong. They are currently ruled by Sochet Masin.
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  Finals are finally over so i can rest. I've been falling asleep in the most inconvenient places because of my exhaustion. I hate tests but its done now so...yeah. I'm really going to update and add my poems. Stay readers ^_^  
Chapter to be updated...  
  Chapter one of Book one/ 1/24/09  
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  The poetry section will be added today (1/24/09) and you'll be able to enjoy ^_^ LOL
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