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  Crimson Tears/ Book One
  => Chapter One: I Graduated
  Crimson Tears: Reminiscent Rainfall/ Book Two
  Crimson Tears: Farwelle Nisiari/ Book Three
  Crimson Tears: Because I'm.../ Bookl Four
1992-2009 copyright Rastylssji Smith
Chapter One: I Graduated
Chapter one: I Graduated
     Four year old Nisiari had no idea what she was seeing before her. Through the witherd hole of the remains of a whisky barrel, she recognized crimson mist like the sporadic bursts of a can of spray paint. Screams that she had been hearing for years sang a siren like song which lulled her into a stupor that bordered reality and a dream. 
"Save me!"
"Hurry! Hurry and grab my hand!"
     She knew exactly what they were saying, but during the previous two years with the war she had become used to it. Accustomed to it, and when she didnt hear it she felt slightly uncomfortable. It became an addiction...She needed to hear those familiar sounds because even as a child, she knew that silence meant danger, and danger shadowed death...death, well, that was the end of it all if she died twice. A spray of water from the ocean across from her hit her cheeks and she cringed in fear and cold. All she had left of her former silk robe were tatters that barly reached past her knees and a missing sleeve. Now was not the time to freeze up. She had to find Tobinoru, The woman who had been leading herself and the other thirty children to saftey for the past three three years.
"Lady Tobi..."
     She climbed from under the barrel piece and was surprised to meet the emerald eyes of her cousin Dyeanae, "Get up Nisi! Hurry! Tobi and the others have been looking for you everywhere! They managed to move the fight away from this area now. She said to go around the lake and hide in the forest."
     Nisi glanced around at the gore around her and finally founfd the strength to lift herself and rush after her bolder cousin, "Dyeanae wait!" Her feet battled hard against the ground and at last she found hersalf against Dyeanae's heels, eveading debree, weapons, and flying bodies as she ran. Had the other children survived too? She had never expected for Tobi to accidentally lead them directly into a battle ground. She had always been so precise, and watchful. She was an observant woman...but now that she was pregnant, her only thought seemed to circulate around the child within her. She and Shitome's child. Their other protector. 
"Nisi pay attention!" Dyeanae grabbed her hard by her arm and pulled her out of the way of a red mound of flesh that Nisi watched in slow motion, "I-I'm coming..."
"Come faster will you! You're gonna die like this,"
     Her words went through Nisi's mind as a bland warning but she rushed herself and the two found a clearing in the forestry outskirt where the remaining children were. A red-headed boy with sly gray eyes stood when he seent hem, "Where were you guys? Lets go," He waved his hand over the group of now twenty children, "Tobi and Shitome are still fighting but she said to go up ahead. Its clear up there except for this icy lake...but we can just slide across it right?"
Dyeanae let Nisis hand slide from hers and rolled her eyes at the boy,"Shut up Myliss, thats stupid. If you slide across it you'll freeze."
     Nisi nodded at her cousins blunt reaction and took her hand in a motion that all the children followed. The group stood lively and ran without hesitation towards the frozen lake. To Myliss's pleasure, the first few children who took foot on the ice were sliding across with an ease that seemed to purposly mock Dyeanaes words.
"You're idea is working?" She slung an insolent glance at him sliding past her on his heels.
"Yup, owned," the whistling of a bomb split the air, "Told y-"
     Shards of glass burst across the lake, taking a few children on site and sending the remainder flying either forward or under the chilly fate. They're screams prompted the second bomb, and this one sent Nisi under water like a torpedo. She frantically overcame the shock and uselessy reached up while a pathetic cry escaped her. Her Eyes wide in terror and mouth agape with pleading.
"Nisi!" Dyeanae was at the ice edge in a minute, her emerald eyes were glued toNisis blue ones in desparation, "Give me your hand!"

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  Finals are finally over so i can rest. I've been falling asleep in the most inconvenient places because of my exhaustion. I hate tests but its done now so...yeah. I'm really going to update and add my poems. Stay readers ^_^  
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  Chapter one of Book one/ 1/24/09  
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  The poetry section will be added today (1/24/09) and you'll be able to enjoy ^_^ LOL
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