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1992-2009 copyright Rastylssji Smith |
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♦Running Sinless♦

I have updated a special exerpt for you guys to read! No its not meant to make sense yet sense you guys are not familiar with the characters yet. Its merely a sample. Think of it as a piece for you to critique constructively. Go to nisiari.page.tl/Special-Excerpts.htm to read and try to comment politely!

~Welcome to the Site!
Welcome to Running Sinless! This site has been created for anyone with an open mind ready to read something filled with tragedy, passion, love, lust and power. I write stories in my spare time and I hope to one day become an animator or writer. Anymore questions you can contact me at the Contact Section of this page. Use these links to:
Explore the drawings-nisiari.page.tl/All-Drawings/index.htm
Get updated with the latest news-nisiari.page.tl/Fresh-News-ar--ar-.htm
Check the Faq page for questions and answers or leave questions-nisiari.page.tl/F-.-A-.-Q.htm
A Bit of A Problem...
Because of my fantastic luck, I didnt have any internet through December...so any demands not met, are entirley the fault of the cable bill! LOL
Seriously though, I'll do what I can now that its back on...

The sites Completion
Now that the site is basically completed I'll update a chapter every other day. The background of the site will change every month and its contents are subject to updates as the stories progress. Keep in mind the stories are violent, tragic, and pretty graphic in language but thats not what makes the story. These are simply things to look out for! I don't do graphic lemons (Sex scenes), Although I will do slight lemons simply for description and I'm not a Yaoi or yuri fan!!! ^_^' Sorry!
♦ Affiliations
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Holidays! |
Finals are finally over so i can rest. I've been falling asleep in the most inconvenient places because of my exhaustion. I hate tests but its done now so...yeah. I'm really going to update and add my poems. Stay readers ^_^ |
Chapter to be updated... |
Chapter one of Book one/ 1/24/09 |
Poetry updates... |
The poetry section will be added today (1/24/09) and you'll be able to enjoy ^_^ LOL
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Check out the News section as well as the galleries and the polls! ^_^ |
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